Day Dreamer Collection 24

Day Dreamer Collection 24
Round 2 has made it to my shop! The beloved Day Dreamer Collection has a face lift! Full of warm, golden tones! 23 presets & 14 Adjustment Mask Preset!
FOR A LIMITED TIME ADJUSTMENT MASK PRESETS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE FOR FREE! AFTER 2/15 This collection pack will be $75 total. On Sale now for $60.
Just want the Adjustment pack? I got you! Go back to my shop and look for it! Only $15!
Adjustment Mask Presets: Subject Enhancement, Subject Brighten, Sky Pop, Skin Smooth, Radial Filer-Sunlight, Radial Filter-Sunlight, Orange Skin Fix, Hazy Light-Linear Gradient, Eye Color Pop, Clothes Color Boost, Background Pop & Color, Background Deeper, Background Lighten